Team Members
- David Schweig
- Debbie Schweig
- Brad Schweig
- Chad Allen
- Thad Hales
- Robert Bergeron
- Brent Glaze
- Audrey Huey
- Teresa Scott
- Gary Harris
- Toni Wildhaber
- Jose Ramirez
- Korey
- Darrel
- Rio
- Don
- Darlene Ernst
- Deborah Holt
- Scott
- Jim Hall
- Chris B
- Jayveon
- Dajon
- Kelvin Silva
- Katherine Pearce
- Chris F
- Rick
- Shaun
- Arturo
- Thomas
- Austin Woodcock
- Beth Camacho
Contact Me
Robert Bergeron
Robert Bergeron
Outdoor Living Consultant - Frisco
What neighborhood/town do you live in? Highland Village, TX
Hometown? Breaux Bridge, LA
No patio should be without…your own favorite chair
On the patio, do you prefer sun or shade? Shade
What is your favorite quote or wise words of wisdom? Laissez les bons temps rouler. (Let the good times roll.)
Describe yourself in three words. Cajun at heart
What are you passionate about? Family gatherings
What is the perfect patio weather? 77⁰ with clear skies at sunrise
Email Robert at
Team Members
- David Schweig
- Debbie Schweig
- Brad Schweig
- Chad Allen
- Thad Hales
- Robert Bergeron
- Brent Glaze
- Audrey Huey
- Teresa Scott
- Gary Harris
- Toni Wildhaber
- Jose Ramirez
- Korey
- Darrel
- Rio
- Don
- Darlene Ernst
- Deborah Holt
- Scott
- Jim Hall
- Chris B
- Jayveon
- Dajon
- Kelvin Silva
- Katherine Pearce
- Chris F
- Rick
- Shaun
- Arturo
- Thomas
- Austin Woodcock
- Beth Camacho
Sunnyland Furniture - Dallas / Fort Worth's Outdoor Casual Furniture Superstore | 7879 Spring Valley
Road Dallas, TX 75254 | 972-239-3716
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Ultimate Casual Furniture Superstore for Texas
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