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Chad Allen

Chad Allen
Chad Allen
Outdoor Living Consultant / Dallas Sales Manager

What neighborhood/town do you live in? Uptown/Dallas

Hometown? Seneca, Missouri

No patio should be without… style, design, color, texture, comfort and a wow factor

What did you want to be when you grew up? Well-traveled with the ability to experience and appreciate as much cultural difference as possible, always surround myself with people from different places to ensure my eyes, mind and arms all always open

On the patio, do you prefer sun or shade? Should have both – a good balance of sun and shade. It should be inspiring by day and also by night. I love to add fire and water!

Who is your hero? Anyone who has the ability to continue to grow and expand their view. Anyone who is always looking for a way to improve the quality of life for others. Anyone with open arms and an open heart.

What are you passionate about? Learning from and engaging with as many people as possible

Equality – Pursuit of Happiness - Love

What is the perfect patio weather? Sun, rain, cool, warm – I always love my outdoor space, it’s my happy place.

Email Chad at

Sunnyland Furniture - Dallas / Fort Worth's Outdoor Casual Furniture Superstore | 7879 Spring Valley Road Dallas, TX 75254 | 972-239-3716
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