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Gifts for Mothers Day and Other Holidays

Posted On: 05-01-2015
By: Marilyn Peterson, Outdoor Living Consultant

Mother's Day is coming up. This is the day that we can show our appreciation for all the wonderful things our mothers have done for us. She is not only responsible for us being here, but she also loves and cares for us more than anyone on the planet. You don’t need a special day to get her something, but when Mother's Day rolls around you immediately start trying to think of a special gift for her. Your thoughts go to personal things, such as jewelry, perfume, clothes and always candy and flowers or maybe a trip to the spa. These are always thoughtful gifts, but mothers of today are interested in more interesting things.

Most people in our area like to spend time outside. The patio is the area where we tend to have lots of parties. Sunnyland offers a wide variety of outdoor furniture and accessories that would make any Mom happy. Look at her patio and find out where her needs are there. If she has her furniture style already, check to see what you can add to make it more complete. Most Moms would love a new chaise lounge to lay out in the sun or just relax. A new glider is a nice soothing gift also. You may just want to find out what she would like to add to her existing furniture. Extending the inside of your home to blend with the outside is very popular. Look at colors before you buy so the item or items will compliment her patio. She will appreciate the thought you put into it.

These ideas go for other holidays also. Gifts from Sunnyland are wonderful and thoughtful. Decorating the patio for different Holiday occasions are nice also. Christmas is always a big event, but Halloween is stepping in as number two. You can always use lots of things you have on hand. Using your plants, decorate their containers to the appropriate holiday. Lighting is always important to add to any mood. Lots of lighting is now available. Get out there and make your holidays special by decorating your patio for the occasion.

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